
Talking Therapy

A space to be heard

Talking therapy is a non-judgmental, non-directive form of counselling. My Integrative approach draws on Person-centred and Gestalt therapies which combine to an create process-oriented, empathetic, creative counselling based in a belief in our potentiality. My model is also informed by Polyvagal theory and evolutionary psychology to consider how the contexts we live in impacts in our nervous system and our means of interacting with others.

Watch here to hear 4 benefits of talking therapy.

“Thank you so much for giving me some very inspiring insights, really listening to me and compassionately reflecting on things I said”

Contexts Counselling client


Processing stuck trauma

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing is a form of therapy recommended by NICE for working through PTSD and trauma. Trauma may be defined as a stuck experience that continues to emotionally or psychologically impact us. Sometimes traumatising experiences are straight-forward to identify. But sometimes the experiences that cause trauma are chronic, lower level experiences. For this reason, I am trained both in Standard EMDR Protocol and Attachment Focused EMDR.

This video offers a sense of how EMDR might work and what the process looks like in the counselling room.


I offer monthly supervision to counsellors, therapists and anyone working in the helping professions who feels they could benefit from a regular space to take stock.

I work with the 7-Eyed Model and the Cyclical Model to offer a relational, process-oriented space for reflection on your practice.